Manage Products (s) 产品管理 / 产品修改

  Fri Oct 14, 2016     TZVoxnet Learning TZVoxnet 教学

Store > Manage Product (s)

Once Product Added done, you can edit your product details like Quantity, Shipping Method, Photo and etc.

  1. Select which products you want to edit.
  2. Click " Edit " and you can start edit your products now.
  3. Is same like how you Add Products.
  4. You can edit everything with your product and it is FREE!!!
  5. Once you done, save it. 


  1. 商店 > 管理产品
  2. 选择你要进行更改的产品,你可以开始进行更改了。
  3. 更改产品,和添加产品是一样的。
  4. 你可以更改任何资料,这完全都是免费的!!!
  5. 完成了更改,储存,你的产品资料将会更新了


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