Company Website
- Your Company Website
- Your Company Address with Google Maps services
- Contact by Phone, email, WhatsApp, WeChat, fax and etc.
- Company Gallery
- Your Bazaar Store
- Your company Page, Memo, Announcements, Advertisement, and Any Other Information
Your company and personal Bazaar and E-Commerce (FREE)
- Selling and Buying products and services
- No time and quantity limit, sell as more as you can
- 7/24 edit your products detail, quantity, gallery and etc.
- ** Share Reward can purchase everything in our TZVoxnet Bazaar, this will expand your business because they earn from reward and purchase in bazaar.
TZVoxnet Page (FREE)
Create Share / Add to Share (Payable)
- Create your products share, promote your service or advertisement, create 1 million view on your service and products.
- Each share minimum RM 20.00 and this will lets members share your Ads into their social network.
- Each share reward minimum RM 0.20, each member can only share once case within 1 month, cannot repeat share same case.
- Each member can only have 1 account withdraw in TZVoxnet. We control the account by their identity card number, member more than an account can’t withdraw with their second account.
- You can choose your categories and location to share your ads, focus and controllable with your ads by this setting.
Earn Extra Income (Confirm FREE)
- TZVoxnet are not MLM, direct selling or others, no need pay and get this service, the only way to earn extra income are just share the TZVoxnet Share Ads only.\
- Share Ads means you are TZVoxnet Ads distributor, you earn reward by sharing the ads. Minimum RM 0.20, some ads are RM 0.50 and RM 1.00 and maybe more, depends on Ads owner budget.
- Withdraw able while your Share Reward Account reach RM 100.00, no extra services chargers and no hidden fees.
- ** The reward you earn can purchase everything in TZVoxnet Bazaar. No hidden fees too.
- Let’s become TZVoxnet Share Ads distributor now, start earn your reward and this only via TZVoxnet!!!
** Coming Soon
- 没有月费,年费,不会过期,永远存在与我们 TZVoxnet 的资料库。
- 全天24小时开放,不需要花几十千从新设计你的网站,你现在可以随时更改你的网站资料,不需要花钱,或者等待求人了。
- 所以只要你注册免费),那么我们全部会员都能根据你的资料找到你。这里包括:
- 你的公司姓名
- 公司地址 - 可以用谷歌地图找到你
- 联络号码,Email, Fax, WhatsApp,微信等等
- 你的公司照片
- 你的买卖产品以及服务
- 你的广告,你的宣传单,你的通告,你的资讯,全部都在 TZVoxnet Page
- 能够买卖任何产品以及服务
- 没有限制数量,你卖的东西越多越好
- 随时可以更改你的产品资料,数量,照片等等
- ** 所有在分享中心赚到的广告费,都能用来购买你的产品,这样能够刺激你的销售,因为这些都是他们赚来的广告费
制造分享 / 宣传 (收费)
- 把你的产品或者Page拿来宣传,制造一个一百万的游览
- 产品以及Page,只需要20令吉,就能让每一个会员分享你的资讯到他们的面书平台。
- 每一个分享,最少20仙,一个广告,一位会员一个月只能分享一次你的广告,不会重复。
- 每一位会员,只能拥有一个提款户口,以身份证做准,所以如果会员有两个以上的户口,是不能提款的。
- 分享的渠道,可以选择地区以及服务领域来进行,这样可以更专注你的分享区域
赚钱 (当然就是免费咯)
- 我们不是直销,不是买卖,不需要任何费用就能够赚钱,那就是分享
- 每一个分享去你的面书,你就是我们的广告商,你赚取的广告费,最少20仙起,50仙,一块都有,这要看广告主的预算了
- 你赚取的广告费,只要佣金达到100块,就可以提款,没有任何手续费。
- ** 赚取的广告费,可以在我们的Bazaar购买任何产品,也不需要任何费用。
- 心安理得赚取广告费吧,让我们一起来赚钱,一起来分享!!
** 即将开始