Create Your Page Share Ads

  Fri Jan 29, 2016     Joice TZVoxnet

  1. After you create your page, the page will follow by the date you created. 
  2. You can Edit, Unpublish and Add To Share$
  3. If you want to promote your page, we are strongly recommend add your Page to our Share Ads System. 
  4. First, your page will show in our Share Center. You can imagine, how many people will come to our Share Center to collect their reward.
  5. Each time members visit our Share Center, each time your Share Ads are view by them.
  6. Each collect the CASH you set in your budget and reward, and we can guarantee, more people will view your Page after they share in their Social Network like

P/S: When you read this Page from us, you will know how our Share Ads Progress, right?