Create Your Share Ads; In TZVoxnet, we name Share Ads "Magic"
- This is a Page from us for “How to Create Your Page Share Ads”
- In TZVoxnet, We name our Share Ads System as “Magic”. You are creating a “Magic” with TZVoxnet.
- Click the Page you want to Add To Share$.
- You will see your title about the Page you want to Share$.
- Short Description is the words will show below your Page Picture in our Share Center.
- You can write more words for attract member read your page. Not more than 400 words.
- Enter your Share$ Budget. Strongly recommend by TZVoxnet Budget are MYR 10.00.
- Please calculate and estimate carefully your Share Ads Budget, once Share Ads successful add, it can’t be revert or refund.
- All Share Ads Budget add on will be charge 10% for TZVoxnet Share Ads Fees.
- Minimum reward are MYR 0.20, you can set any other reward amount. The higher reward you set, the Share Ads will more focus on our Share Center.
- Now, save it and your Share Ads will appear on our Share Ads soon. Happy Create Share.