TZVoxnet Chrome, Safari and Firefox User. Let us help you. 分享不到现金?可能就是这几个问题。

  Tue Jun 14, 2016     TZVoxnet HQ 管理层

There are no problem when you use your PC or note book sharing our article and get reward.

Lets us show you how. 

电脑PC 或笔电会员分享现金都没有问题,但是手机用户可能会面对以下烦恼,让我们帮帮你。

Maybe 1:

Andriod user kindly use Chrome open your TZVoxnet Share Ads. 

Android 用户请使用 Chrome 来分享你的文章。


Maybe 2: Ipone or Ipad User 

  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. For Safari user, kindly open the page by 当你看到文章,请选择:
    1. Open Share or 3 dots / 分享键或3个点
    2. Open by Safari. 使用 Safari 打开
  5. Picture as below:


Maybe 3: Android and Chrome user / Andriod 或 Chrome 用户 




  1. Andriod or Chrome user
  2. Open article and choose Open in Chrome


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